Things have been just crazy lately. There's so much to tell. Now, how much of it I remember remains to be seen.
Thursday night, Robert and I went to the Library and watched some first round NCAA men's basketball action. It's alot more entertaining when there are four games displayed simultaneously and you can pay attention to the ones that are the closest. It was a good night, especially with Gonzaga's win. I'm really enjoying these excursions to the Library and really hope they become like a weekly thing...good stuff.
Friday sucked and then was awesome. (BONUS: I got paid!! Thank God the poor spell is over, at least temporarily). I was working on the news when Neil came to my cube and wanted to have a meeting on my stories. I thought it was sort of rude of him to interupt my news doing, but I followed him. In his office, I told him what little progres I'd managed to eek out and he said, "Don't you know deadline is today?" WTF?? I honestly thought it was next Friday, honestly. Fuck, what do you say to that? I already screwed up last deadline and now here I look like an idiot. How could I be so stupid as to just assume...why didn't I ask? I was and still am so totally disappointed in myself about that. Not that it wasn't done, but that I'd been so dumb. Needless to say, the rest of the day was spent trying to get as much work done as humanly possible. I was able to get 3/5 of my stories done and talked with Neil about how we can get the other two done asap, so I felt good about leaving on time Friday, especially because RENAE WAS COMING!!!!!! One of my co-workers was nice enough to invite me out to St. Paddy's day happy hour. It was much needed, even though I should have been home cleaning my room, but who cares? Who can pass up company bought beer?? While at happy hour, I learned that said coworker, who I knew was older than me, but I think I was figuring like late 20s or something, is acutally 38 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No offense to 38-year-olds or anything, but man!! And this guy is single...there's nothing wrong with being single, but just because I'm so inexperienced in the world, I find it a little creepy that this guy is 38, isn't in any kind of relationship and isn't divorced and is living alone in an apartment building across the street from our office. From what I've heard, it doesn't sound like he gets out and about much, so it's just weird, but I'm sure he has friends.
I got home and, instead of being responsible and clean my room so there was more room for my sister, I opted to be responsible and try and figure out some of my bills. Just as I was finishing up, Renae calls me and says she's stuck in one of our neighbors' driveways!!!!! So I go out to try and help her and the front tires and just spinning and spinning and not going anywhere, so she's in a panic and I'm in a panic because it's like 8 on a Friday are we supposed to figure this out or get help? I push and then try to back it out myself and then she tries again and gets it rocking and I'm yelling at her to keep going but she can't hear me so she stops so I can repeat what I said and then she goes again. Really, we don't do well in crisis situations (and this was a minor one). Luckily, Renae did manage to get it out herself. Praise God!!! After that ordeal, we didn't much feel like puting effort into anything else, like going out for St. Paddy's day with a borrowed ID, so we stayed in and made cocktails and watched more basketball and was nice.
Saturday, we woke up far too early. Unfortunately, I didn't have any cereal, but I made French toast and it was delicious. We spent the rest of the morning and the early afternoon in Rosedale and I got a bunch of new shirts for work!! Yay for new clothes!! I've decided I really need some more sporty khakis though. I'm down to one pair now and that just isn't going to cut it anymore. We discovered Hollister and I really, really like it. Alot. I just have to drop a couple pounds so I can fit into their clothes. I did try on a tank top that could have worked, but I couldn't really afford to be in the market for cute tanks yet, so it'll have to wait for another day. After Rosedale, we went to see Failure to Launch, which I'd seen already, but it was a matinee and Renae hadn't see it yet, so what the heck. It was still cute the second time around. I think I'll prolly get it on DVD when it comes's just one of those movies that are nice to have around to watch whenever you want. After that, we hit Old Navy and were going to go to Target, but decided not and that was probably a good idea. I hadn't planned what to do that night, but wanted to go out and DO something, so one of my roommates suggested a comedy act, which turned out to be a brilliant idea. We reserved tickets for Comedy Sportz's early show and opted to make some Hamburger Helper for supper, which we ate while watching some more basketball. I thought a half hour would be plenty of time to get to Uptown and get parked and to our show on time, but I was wrong. We were a couple minutes late, but it turned out not to be too big of a deal. Luckily, our tickets were still there waiting for us. The show was incredibly funny. I love improv...alot...and wouldn't mind going to a show there again.
We were walking back to my car when we heard this screaming. I didn't really know what to think of it. It was a screaming like none other I'd ever heard in my life...should I be concerned or is it just someone being dramatic? There were a couple people standing around and I heard sirens, but I thought I saw the police going away from the screaming, so I thought it must have been nothing, so we kept on, opting for the light instead of the dark alley we'd come out of. Good thing, I think. The next night on the news, they said that a woman walking with her family had been robbed peacefully, but after, the robbers shot her son in the was her screams we heard as she held her son's head in her arms. He had been in critical condition, but he died yesterday. I hope that's the closest I ever come to a murder scene in my life. Thank God we made it home safely. Since it was still semi-early, we opted to rent a couple of movies. In Her Shoes is an excellent sister movie. Even if it didn't reflect the relationship I have with Renae, it made me appreciate her more and wish we spent even more time together.
Renae managed to sleep in a bit on Sunday, but I woke up early as ususal. Her air mattress was blocking me getting out of my room at all without distrubing her, so I just did some reading. Luckily, I didn't have to go to the bathroom or anything... No plan for Sunday either, so she ended up coming with me to get groceries. We made it to Target, too, but they didn't have much that interested us. After Subway for lunch and a Shamrock Shake for dessert, she headed home. I wished she could have stayed longer, but we were both tired and it's not like we would've done anything other than hang out. That night, I cleaned my room.
Monday was crazy because I was trying to write two bigger articles and had to do my interviews for them that day. It sucked in that I had to be on top of things all day, but the timing actually worked out incredibly well. My first article really sucks and has been held for the issue and I don't know if it will ever run because it's just that bad. I'm actually sort of proud of the second one, though. I really enjoy doing profiles. I stayed at my office until 6, but knew if I stayed longer, I'd go crazy, so I took it home, which stinks, but getting some food and having some convo with my roommies helped a ton. I got it done, even if it was late. I found out yesterday I didn't necessarily have to have it in by yesterday morning...oh well...I like to put things behind me. Yesterday and today have been relatively unproductive and boring...back to the same old procrastinating routine. This time, though, I'm not waiting around!! I can't afford to fuck up like I did this time.
It was an exhausting four days, so I'm glad for a low key rest of the week. Last night, I had the best conversation with MaryAnne I've had in the longest time. (more on that another time, likely) Even though she's not that far away and it's only temporary, I miss her being closer. Tomorrow, I don't have to go into work until 1 p.m.!!!! Not that there's really anything exciting going on on a Wednesday night or anyone to do it with...I'm probably more excited about the prospect of sleeping in. The downside is that I'll be at work until 9 tomorrow night, will come home and go to sleep right away and have to get up and go right back to work. It should be interesting, if nothing else. Toodles!!