Oh, you know...

A little bit of this and a little bit of that in my rollercoaster of a life.

Friday, March 3, 2006

we be clubbin'

It has been an excellent week, to say the least. It really has flown by and I love it when that happens. Last night, MaryAnne and our friend Shannon were in town, so we decided to go out to a club. My roommate Liz came with us. Shannon's not 21 yet...luckily it was Thursday, so there were alot of places that had 18+. MaryAnne and I opted for Spin because we've been there a couple times before and have really enjoyed ourselves...it's a good crowd, good music and lots of space (although probably not so much after 11, but hey, the more, the merrier). The thing about 18+ nights is that all the kiddies come out because they only can like one night a week and of course, they want to get their dance on, so it's always like 50 times more crowded than usual. But the great thing is that it's still a good time. So, since it was a Thursday night and MA and I had to work today, we opted to arrive early (9:30ish) and leave early (around midnight). A good decision. When we got there, there was no line whatsoever and almost no one inside. The dance floor was completely empty, so we took it over, dancing our dorky dances and watching Shannon's sprinkler dance. It was so weird but cool...I totally wished I had had a camera on me to take some pictures. Pause to check out the sweet bathrooms and grab a drink. We sat down and people watched for a bit...no one danced for the longest time, but more and more people were coming in and just standing around the edges, talking and whatnot. Very weird. And then they put "Jenny from the Block" on and finally a bunch of people decide to dive in. I made the mistake of ordering a ($7!!!!!) Sex on the Beach...it was really good, but so big I was impatient to finish it so I could join everyone on the dance floor. Luckily, Liz volunteered to watch it and I joined the others, but after a song or two, I grabbed my drink and made Liz join us. They played alot of good songs. One of the great things about Spin is that even if they're playing a song you don't know, you can still shake your booty to it. When is started to get crowded, we went upstairs to observe the crowd (hot black guys at the foot of the stairs!)...at that point it was getting packed. Jon would've been proud that Liz ordered a beer. The beats were just so good we had to go back to the dancefloor where we tried to make a little space for ourselves near one of the railings. Oh, the things one can see at a dance club. Let me just say there were an excessive amount of horny people there last night. It was getting really crazy and it was only midnight...a clear sign it really was time for us to go, so we did. I love Spin, but I love it even better on 21+ nights because there's actually space to move around and dance and the guys tend to be a little bit more civil? cultured? something... I hadn't been since a month or so before my accident, so this was a nice return, but I hope we can go back some time soon. Not enough of my friends like to go dancing, but I'll take what I can get.
On tap for this weekend: Gopher hockey game with Jenny tonight (I'm excited...this will be only my second hockey game ever!), lamenting how I need groceries but have no money, Jen's belated graduation party Saturday night(I hope it's fun...Dave is going to DJ, but it depends on how many people show up), Oscars Sunday night. Should be interesting. Cheers!


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