Oh, you know...

A little bit of this and a little bit of that in my rollercoaster of a life.

Friday, April 28, 2006


So, today would be my sister’s 8th birthday. I don’t know why, but over the course of the past couple of months, I’ve found myself wondering on more and more occasions what our family would look life if she were alive. I would love so much to have that little someone to play and giggle with, to love. Things could be a lot different...or a lot the same. We’ll never know. It’s never the loss of her person, it’s always the loss of her potential, what might have been.

When I was 15, my mom was pregnant and went into labor prematurely. My sister was born in the “gray” week or two of my mom’s pregnancy. If she’d been born a couple weeks earlier, she would have died right away, a couple weeks later and she would have been perfectly fine. As it was, she was basically on life support for a month before my parents decided to take it off. I won’t get into all the details now, but I’ve written a lot about this sister and maybe will post one of my pieces another time.


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